Walnut Creek

Kearsarge to Manchester Beach                   13.3 miles

Class           Grad                    Size (Area/Volume)                  Scene/Pol              Level

  II-III          20/52                               Small                                  A/A                          

Topographic Maps: Erie South, Swanville

County Maps: Erie

Description: The stream enters a wooded gorge after passing some homes on the left. After you pass a campground at the Zimmerly Road bridge, it is a natural area almost to Lake Erie with only an occasional glimpses of civilization high above on the cliffs. The water is clear flowing over gray slate bedrock and small, sloped ledges. There is one point where a rapid drops left into a vertical wall, which should put up a good wave at higher levels. [Reported 1992]

Difficulties: After going under a railroad trestle, you enter a railroad tunnel. There is a 2.5-foot falls at the downstream end. Land on the right sidewalk in the tunnel to check it out, and line down if necessary. Downed trees may require some precaution.

Shuttle: To reach the put-in, use exit 180, old exit 41 on Interstate 79. Turn west and go about 0.4 miles to Old Zuck Road. Turn left/south on Old Zuck Road and go 0.1 miles to the put‑in bridge. To reach the take‑out, go north on Old Zuck Road to the intersection with Zuck Road. Turn left/north onto Zuck Road and go to US Route 20. Turn left/west onto US Route 20. US Route 20 is a divided highway at this point so you may have to turn right and then make a U-turn. Go about 5 miles on US Route 20 and turn right/north on Manchester Road. Cross over Route 5 and proceed to the State Access Area near Lake Erie.

Gauge: None. Check the water downstream of the put‑in bridge. If this looks passable, then the section is okay.

Normal Wet Period: No available statistics on seasons. Since this section is small, it should normally be runnable approximately January through April.