Two Mile Run

Ludlow to Mouth of Stream                            8.4 miles

Class           Grad                    Size (Area/Volume)                  Scene/Pol              Level

   I-II           30/50                        Tiny (30.1/)                            A/A                          

                                                    Mouth of Stream                                                           

Topographic Maps:   Ludlow, Sheffield

County Maps:   Warren

Description: This stream is surprisingly scenic with much mixed woodland and some farms, but it has a couple of ugly towns. Fast flush, especially at start. Prettiest scenery and best whitewater is where road leaves the river below Ludlow. Whitewater was just waves and no rocks. Impact of nearby road was surprisingly minimal. [Reported 1993]

Difficulties:  Path is complicated by many trees, alders, pipes, and low bridges.

Shuttle:   To reach the follow US 6 east out of Ludlow 1.5 miles from Main St. to Wetmore Road on the right. Turn right/south on Wetmore Road and put in where it crosses the stream. This is above the confluence with Wildcat Run. To reach the take-out, return to Ludlow and continue on US 6 to the eastern outskirts of Sheffield. At about 5.3 miles from Ludlow, note Barns Street crossing US 6. Turn left/south at the next road on the left.

Gauge: None.

Normal Wet Period:  No available statistics on seasons.  Since this section is tiny, it should normally be runnable only after a heavy rain or during spring snowmelt.