Tunungwant Creek

Degolia to New York State Line                   6.7 miles

Class           Grad                    Size (Area/Volume)                  Scene/Pol              Level

  A-II          12/15                                Tiny                                   D/B                           


Topographic Maps: Bradford, Derrick City

County Maps: McKean

Description: There are two Class II rapids just downstream from the State Route 770 Bridge. Then the creek flattens out to Class I. In Bradford the creek offers an industrial tour on flatwater through a refinery. It is walled in vertically here, but there are no hindrances or drops in the creek. After the tour it is wide an shallow to the take‑out. [Reported 1999]

Difficulties: One dam below South Bradford. Portage on the right.

Shuttle: The put-in is in Degolia on the East Branch of Tunungwant Creek at the State Route 770 Bridge, just off of US Route 219. To reach the take‑out, go north on US Route 219 to the exit from the bypass onto State Route 46. At the end of the ramp turn left/northwest and follow 2.0 miles to Tuna Cross Road. Turn right/east and follow to the dead end at the creek.

Alternately, one can continue an additional 11 miles to the mouth at the Allegheny River. The creek in this section twists through a bottom land forest. The take‑out is on the Allegheny just downstream of the mouth at some old bridge piers.

 Gauge: None. Check for water from the bridge at South Bradford. This is the shallowest part.

Normal Wet Period: No available statistics on seasons. Since this section is tiny, it should normally be runnable only after a heavy rain or during spring snowmelt.