Pine Creek
(Pa. Grand Canyon)

Ansonia to Slate Run                                     28.1 miles

Class           Grad                    Size (Area/Volume)                  Scene/Poll             Level

     II             15/27                  Medium (604/816)                     A/A               2.0-3.5
                                                          Cedar Run                                            Cedar Run

Topographic Maps: Tiadaghton, Cedar Run, Cammal, Slate Run, Jersey Mills

County Maps: Tioga, Lycoming

Description: The Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania contains some of the most outstanding scenery in the state. It is a very popular area with canoeists and is to be studied for inclusion in the National Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. Most canoeing is done before Memorial Day. Pine Creek is in north central Pennsylvania, about a 5-hour drive from Pittsburgh. There is a commercial rafting operation on this stream. The Ansonia-Cedar Run trip should take two days. There are many nice camping spots in the canyon. About 5 miles below Ansonia there is a 2 mile stretch where camping is not allowed due to private property. The scenery is wild and unpopulated above Blackwell. Other than the campgrounds at Tiadaghton, Cedar Run, Slate Run, and Cammal, there is little intrusion by people for the rest of the trip. This is a good 2-3 day camping trip. Permits are now required for camping in the gorge. They may be obtained from the Tioga State Forest District Office in Wellsboro (717) 724-2868. There is a 41 mile bicycle trail along this section. [Checked 1997]

Difficulties: Some whitewater experience is required. The most difficult rapids is "Barbour's Bend", also called "Owassee", 1.75 miles from Rail Island Run. It is a left turn with a steep mountainside on the right. Run it on the left. There are some tricky maneuvers to be done just below Barbour's Bend at lower water levels. "Whiskey Flip" rapids, a few miles down (in front of Colton Point Park), is a couple of ledges on the right side. They are easily avoided by paddling on the left. The rest of the stream is mostly Class I rapids with long calm pools in between.

Shuttle: The put-in at Ansonia is actually on Marsh Creek. Turn right/south off of US Route 6 at Ansonia onto State Route 362, and go a couple of hundred yards to the Pennsylvania Forest Service Big Meadows Access Area.

For the put-in by Rail Island Run follow this road about 1 mile and turn left onto an unmarked dirt road. The put-in is 0.75 miles down this road at a point where the road first comes alongside the creek. The dirt road continues for 5 miles and deadends in the nonexistent town of Owassee.

The shuttle to Blackwell or Cedar Run: Continue south on State Route 362 to the intersection with State Route 287 outside Wellsboro. Turn south on State Route 287 to Morris, then turn west on State Route 414 to Blackwell. The road from Morris to Blackwell parallels Babb Creek, also a canoeable stream. Below Blackwell, State Route 414 parallels Pine Creek to Cedar Run, and then to its junction with the Susquehanna River.

An extra 16 miles of pleasant Class I-II canoeing can be had by putting in at Galeton. Put in at the State Route 144 bridge below the dam. The shuttle is via State Route 6 to Ansonia.

Any num­ber of take-outs are possible along this section.


Galeton to Ansonia                                                                                16.0 miles

Ansonia to Rail Island Campsite                                              11.6 miles

Rail Island Run Camp to Blackwell                                            6.0 miles

Blackwell to island 1.8 miles below Slate Run                      13.3 miles

Island below Slate Run to Jersey Mills                                       9.5 miles

Pine Creek Outfitters in Ansonia (717) 724-3003 provides guided trips with canoe rental. They also rent bikes for the 41 mile Pine Creek Rail Trail and/or mountain biking in the Tioga State Forest

Gauges: Cedar Run. This gauge should read between 2.0 and 3.5 feet. This is a National Weather Gauge.

Normal Wet Period: This section is runnable through the middle of June.