Millstone Creek,
East Branch

A.  Gurgling Run                                             5.7 miles
to Loleta Recreation Area

Class           Grad                    Size (Area/Volume)                  Scene/Poll             Level

   III+          42/112                      Tiny (26/43)                           A/A                          
                                           junction with West Branch                                Ridgway               

Topographic Maps: Marienville East

County Maps: Elk

Description: Observed from Forest Service Road 131, the East Branch appears too small to run and only Class I. However, from the put-in to Lick Run there are three sections away from the road with steep rocky drops mixed with easier, fast flowing stream. The steepest section is around Muddy Fork. The few cabins near Muddy Fork are unobtrusive. [Reported 1994]

Difficulties: Fallen trees are always possible. The size from Gurgling Run to unnamed run downstream is small enough so that spinning around may not be possible. Drops below Muddy Fork may require scouting. A gas pipeline near the cabins must be portaged. Loleta Recreation Area has two dams, fifty yards apart. During the recreation season both must be portaged if continuing downstream. Out of season the upper drop of one foot can be run and take out on the swimming beach to carry the lower dam.

Shuttle: From the put-in on Forest Service Road 228 at Gurgling Run continue along the stream following this route and then Forest Service Road 131 to the Loleta Recreation Area on State Route 2005. Alter­natively chose a put-in or take-out any place convenient along Forest Service Road 131.

Gauges: Ridgway. This gauge on nearby Clarion River will probably read above 8.0 feet. Check conditions along Forest Service Road 131 before running.

Normal Wet Period: No available statistics on seasons. Since this section is tiny, it should normally be runnable only after a heavy rain or during spring snowmelt.

B.  Loleta Recreation Area                              4.0 miles
to Clarion River

Class           Grad                    Size (Area/Volume)                  Scene/Poll             Level

  II-III          35/52                        Tiny (54/90)                           A/A                          
                                                    mouth of stream                                           Ridgway

Topographic Maps: Marienville East, Sigel

County Maps: Elk

Description: This is one of several delightful alternatives in the Clarion Basin during high water conditions. The pace is continuous Class II with a couple of rocky drops to add to the excitement. The Forest Service Road maintains its distance, leaving an isolated valley. Only a pipeline right-of-way mars the scenery. [Reported 1994]

Difficulties: Fallen trees are possible.

Shuttle: Forest Service Road from Loleta Recreation Area, along the river to the mouth at the junction with the Clarion River.

Gauges: Ridgway. This gauge on nearby Clarion River will probably read above 6.0 feet. Check conditions along Forest Service Road 131 before running.

Normal Wet Period: No available statistics on seasons. Since this section is tiny, it should normally be runnable only after a heavy rain or during spring snowmelt.