Mill Creek
(Westmoreland County)

Waterford to Ligonier                                      5.0 miles

Class           Grad                    Size (Area/Volume)                  Scene/Poll             Level

     II             30/55                        Tiny (33/55)                           C/A                          
                                                            Ligonier                                                  Kingston

Topographic Maps: Wilpen, Ligonier, Stahlstown

County Maps: Westmoreland

Description: This is a small, meandering tree-lined stream draining the area just north of Ligonier. It flows in pastures and periodically makes a radical change in course, which causes tree problems. From Waterford to Oak Grove the stream width permits trees to bridge the stream. The best of the run begins at State Route 711 below Oak Grove and continues to the mouth of the stream. [Reported 1992]

Difficulties: Major tree blockages possible near Oak Grove (behind the Buick garage) and on the outskirts of Ligonier.

Shuttle: Put in on State Route 271 at the downstream edge of Waterford. Shuttle State Route 271 to State Route 711 then US Route 30. Take out along US Route 30 near the Ligonier sewage treatment plant.

Gauges: None. The Kingston gauge downstream on Loyalhanna Creek will probably be between 4.5 and 7.4 feet (2003 rating table). This corresponds to 1,000 to 3,700 cfs on the Loyalhanna. There is also a staff gauge on US Route 30 on the downstream right pier. A reading of zero is plenty for the last half, minus 0.25 is okay.

Normal Wet Period: No available statistics on seasons. Since this section is tiny, it should normally be runnable only after a heavy rain or during spring snowmelt.