Cowanshannock Creek

A.  Greendale to State Route 28/66                8.0 miles

Class           Grad                    Size (Area/Volume)                  Scene/Poll             Level

     II             18/26                        Tiny (40/67)                 A-B/A   5.5 to 4.5 blocks

                                                            estimate                           State Route 85 bridge

Topographic Maps: Rural Valley, Mosgrove

County Maps: Armstrong

Description: This is a beautiful small volume Class II stream. Rapids are short and frequent and take a bit of maneuvering. There are low water bridges, fords, small ledges and fallen trees. It takes some care to get through without banging and scraping, but nothing is hairy except the tree problem. Scenery is outstanding, from farms to steep walled areas. From State Route 85 bridge to the take-out is Class C-I. [Checked 2000]

Difficulties: Some fallen trees must be carried around or over. In 2000 a landowner had a rifle range set up shooting across the creek. Also a wire cable from a fallen in foot bridge was stretched across the stream and partially submerged.

Shuttle: Pick a spot along State Route 85.

Gauges: None. There is a streamside gauge using the stone block retaining wall on right bank near Sunnyside, where State Route 85 crosses. 4.5 to 5.5 blocks showing should be okay.

Normal Wet Period: No available statistics on seasons. Since this section is tiny, it should normally be runnable only after a heavy rain or during spring snowmelt.

B.  State Route 28/66                                        3.6 miles
 to Allegheny River

Class           Grad                    Size (Area/Volume)                  Scene/Poll             Level

    IV            36/80                      Small (63/105)                         B/A
                                                    mouth of stream

Topographic Maps: Mosgrove, Kittanning

County Maps: Armstrong

Description: This is a beautiful creek flowing through a deep gorge. It is very tight and continuous -- you need to do lots of maneuvering. There is a trail along river right offering a look at the stream. [Checked 2003]

Difficulties: Lots of potential for pinning and strainers. At high water levels, some very large holes are present. There are several drops of 2 to 4 feet. The first of these, just around a right-hand bend, should be scouted. In addition, watch out for logs or railroad ties sticking up out of the holes. The trip is short, but plan to do lots of scouting.

Shuttle: Via Kittanning, from the put-in at State Route 28/66, to the road along the east bank of the Allegheny. Take-out is at the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission boat launch area.

Gauges: A painted gauge on the bridge at the put-in. If you can float by the riffles at the Iron Bridge Road put‑in you should be good to go.

Normal Wet Period: No available statistics on seasons. Since this section is small, it should normally be runnable approximately January through April.