Clear Shade Creek

Ashtola Road to Shade Creek                        5.5 miles

Class           Grad                    Size (Area/Volume)                  Scene/Poll             Level

    IV            45/90                        Tiny (31/52)                           A/A                          
                                                               Reitz                                                  Streamside

Topographic Maps: Ogletown, Windber

County Maps: Somerset

Description: The first 3 miles is a fast-moving Class II plateau stream to the Windber Reservoir. Portage dam on either side. The last 2 miles plunge through a small canyon at a fast pace. The canyon starts as large boulders with small pools, then becomes continuous boulder gardens with occasional ledges. [Checked 2003]

The Bens Creek Canoe Club’s web site offers a description of this creek, as well as several others on the area.

Difficulties: Fallen trees within 0.5 miles below dam.

Shuttle: From take-out follow State Route 160 north approximately 2 miles to Ashtola Road (State Route 1033). Turn right for about a 4 mile drive to Ashtola. In Ashtola make a sharp turn to the right and go about 4 miles to the stream.

Gauges: None. If it looks runable at the take‑out, then it is. Ferndale gauge of 5.5 to 6.0 feet on nearby Stony Creek will probably give a good estimate of runnability.

Normal Wet Period: No available statistics on seasons. Since this section is tiny, it should normally be runnable only after a heavy rain or during spring snowmelt.