Cattaraugus Creek

A.  New York Route 39 east of Springville 19.0 miles
to Otto Road Bridge                                            

Class           Grad                    Size (Area/Volume)                  Scene/Poll             Level

   I-II                                                     <<>>                                                           ??-3.5
                                                                                                Otto Road bridge

Topographic Maps: Sardinia (NY), West Valley (NY), Ashford Hollow (NY), Collins Center (NY)

County Maps: Erie (NY), Cattaraugus (NY)

Description: The run is Class I except for about a mile of Class II water below the dam at US Route 219. [Reported 1988]

Difficulties: The only difficulty is a 30‑foot dam just below US Route 219. Carry on the right, but you will have to fight your way up a steep mudbank.

Shuttle: Put in at the bridge where Townline Road crosses the creek about 4 miles east of Springville and just off of New York Route 39. To reach the take‑out, return on New York Route 39 to Springville, and continue west towards Gowanda. About 12 miles west of Springville, look for Jenning's Road on the left. Turn left/south and go 1.0 miles to the intersection with Becker Road. Continue straight across the intersection on what is now called Foster Road. About one mile beyond Zoar, Otto road comes in from the right. Turn right/south onto Otto Road and follow to the bridge.

Gauges: Streamside. A reading of 3.5 feet on a gauge painted on the Otto Road bridge provides a good high water run.

Normal Wet Period: No available statistics on seasons.

B.  Otto Road Bridge to Gowanda                8.8 miles

Class           Grad                    Size (Area/Volume)                  Scene/Poll             Level

III-IV         20/40                                                                            A/B                           


Topographic Maps: Collins Center (NY), Gowanda (NY)

County Maps: Erie (NY), Cattaraugus (NY)

Description: The run builds in difficulty from Class I at Otto Road to Class IV at Gowanda. The route drops into the heart of the remote Zoar Valley canyon with spectacular cliffs among the scenery. The rapids have good playing holes, surfing waves, ender waves, and more. The difficulty picks up after the South Branch enters about 4 miles below Otto Road. Noteworthy are a chain of large waves with eddies on both sides, the waves trailing into a cliff on a left turn, and shallow ledges with good holes near town. Several play spots occur after a flood wall appears on river left. The final drop is the best with diagonal ledges funnelling water into a large breaking wave. There are sneak options at every drop. [Reported 1988]

Difficulties: Large holes above 3.5 feet on the gauge.

Shuttle: To find the put-in take US Route 62 out of Gowanda on river right. Continue straight where US Route 62 bears left. Cross the tracks and take the Gowanda-Zoar Road to Zoar. The Zoar Valley Road follows along the river to the put-in at Otto Road bridge. Take out at the railroad bridge river left upstream of US Route 62 bridge in Gowanda.

Gauges: Streamside. A reading of 3.5 feet on a gauge painted on the Otto Road bridge provides a good high water run.

Normal Wet Period: No available statistics on seasons.